Taking care of new-born babies (0-1y) 照顧初生嬰兒 (0至1歲) |
Gardening 打理花園 |
Taking care of young children (1-5y) 照顧小孩 (1至5歲) |
Willing to work without own servant room 不介意沒有獨立工人房 |
Taking care of young children (6-12y) 照顧小孩 (6至12歲) |
Share work with Indonesian and Filipino maid 與印傭及菲傭一齊工作 |
Taking care of elderly 照顧老人家 - Healthy Grandpa & Grandma 健康公公及婆婆 - Disabled Grandpa & Grandma 傷殘公公及婆婆 |
Taking care of pets 照顧寵物 - small and big dogs 小狗與大狗 |